
A Malaysian-based 28-year-old Fikri Sufian is the writer behind wheresfikri.com.

The blog started in late 2017 contains a digital collection of articles about his experience and passion towards lifestyle and travel. Bucked up Architectural Science as his background, Fikri travel to places where amazing architecture and design displayed – exposing him to inspiring structure and experienced a new culture in person.

How did wheresfikri.com start?

Where’s Fikri ideally taken from Where’s Waldo – a British series of children’s puzzle books. I started #WheresFikri compilation on my Instagram feed whenever I’m travelling to my site visit trips. Blogging leads me to another platform to connect and share #WheresFikri in details. As writing is not my niche, I never really thought of being a blogger, but I’m up to documented my experience with my adventures hoping I could inspire the reader to be a wanderlust.

What do you love most about blogging?

Blogging requires time, devotion, commitment, creativity and discipline. And just to be clear, those are all good things to embrace – it leads to healthier life habits which helps me to discover more confidence in my life. In fact, it brings out the opportunity to connect with likeminded individuals who share the same passions as I am! It’s never good enough to feel right, being a blogger pushes me to be better.